10 Effective Ways to Support Your Immune System

Our immune system is the first and foremost defense mechanism against the illness. But it is not the same all the time. Sometimes we might have low immunity, and germs can enter the body, and we might fall sick.

Here are some tips for building strong immunity and keeping your immune system healthy:

1. Wash Your Hands Frequently

Washing hands is the best solution to avoid infections. Never forget to wash your hands after coming home, before and after meals, and as often as you can. You should wash them properly for at least 20 seconds.

2. Workout Daily

Working out doesn’t only help you burn calories. It also helps to boost immunity as the blood circulation improves, flush out toxins, etc. Yoga is an excellent way to enhance immunity. It releases stress hormones and increases lung capacity, which can help fight infections.

3. Hydration

By keeping the body hydrated, we help it to flush out toxins, waste, and harmful bacteria out of the body. Also, drinking plenty of water will save us from dehydration that can cause various illnesses. Also, remember to keep yourself hydrated when working out or you are out in the sun.

4. Proper Sleep

Sleep is the best reboot for your body. Inadequate sleep increases the chances of falling sick. According to a study, people who get less than 6 hours of sleep tend to catch colds than others. Try to get a night’s sleep minimum of 7 hours.

5. Manage Stress Level

Various studies have found that stress harms immunity. We can understand that stress is an unavoidable factor, but you can manage it through meditation, writing a journal, or anything you like.

6. Limit Drinking Habits

Excessive of anything is wrong. Drinking alcohol in excess can damage the body and leave the immune system without any defense. However, National Center for Biotechnology Information has said that moderate drinking is good for your health.

7. Quit Smoking

From your circulatory and respiratory system to the immune system, everything is at risk if you smoke. It exposes us to severe and long-lasting diseases as the defense mechanism weakens. Hence, quit onto it, and you will feel your immunity improving.

8. Eat Healthily

It is the most obvious thing you will find on the list. But it is important to mention because people tend to overlook it. The sugar packed in processed sweets, soft drinks, and eating junk food weakens immunity. Try to limit it, and start to eat fruits and vegetables.

9. Take Vitamins

Vitamin tablets are scientifically proven to improve immunity. But keep in mind not to go overboard with them. Also, remember to purchase only those tested by USP, NSF International, and Consumer lab.

10. Think positive

Negative emotions and feeling lower your immunity. Hence, always try to think and stay positive as it is proven to keep your system strong, and you will be able to tackle stressful situations better.

Try to apply the above changes in your lifestyle, and you will feel your immunity and health improving.

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