Dipti Chawla

As I strongly believe and understand the importance of the wellbeing of an individual, I co-founded WellbeingSutra.com. I believe in holistic way of living.

Behind the Share Button: The Psychology of Oversharing

Behind the Share Button: The Psychology of Oversharing

In our digitally connected world, oversharing has become a common social phenomenon. Oversharing refers to the practice of revealing too much personal information or details about one’s life, thoughts, and experiences. It can manifest in various forms, from oversharing on social media to divulging intimate details in face-to-face conversations. But why do people overshare? What…

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Vegan Skin Care vs. Organic Skin Care: Which is Right for You?

In the ever-evolving world of skincare, two popular buzzwords have emerged in recent years: vegan and organic. Both of these terms are often associated with healthier, more environmentally friendly, and ethically conscious skincare products. But what exactly do they mean, and which one is the right choice for your skincare routine? In this comprehensive guide,…

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    Empowering Your Well-Being: The Importance of Self-Care and Self-Compassion

    Self-care and self-compassion are crucial for maintaining physical, mental, and emotional well-being. They play significant roles in promoting overall health and quality of life. Here are some reasons why self-care and self-compassion are important: Stress Reduction: Self-care activities like mindfulness, relaxation, and hobbies can help reduce stress levels. Self-compassion allows you to be kind and…

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    13 Effective Strategies to Beat Cravings and Maintain a Healthier Lifestyle

    Overcoming cravings can be a challenging but important task, especially if you’re trying to make healthier choices or break a habit. Whether you’re dealing with food cravings, cravings for substances like cigarettes or alcohol, or other types of cravings, here are some strategies that can help: Remember that overcoming cravings is a process, and it…

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    Health Benefits of Navratri Fasting: A Guide to Spiritual Wellness and Nutritional Benefits

    Navratri fasting is a traditional Hindu practice observed during the Navratri festival, which typically lasts for nine days. Fasting during Navratri involves abstaining from certain foods and adhering to a specific diet. While Navratri fasting is primarily a religious and cultural practice, it can have potential health benefits for some individuals. Here’s how Navratri fasting…

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    Stay Ahead of the Curve: Top Functional Food Trends for Health-Conscious Consumers

    Functional foods are dietary items that provide additional health advantages beyond their fundamental nutritional content. They have gained popularity as people become more health-conscious and interested in proactively managing their well-being. Here are some top trends related to functional foods: Plant-Based Functional Foods: Plant-based diets have gained significant traction due to their perceived health benefits…

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