Foot Reflexology – The Most Healing Art and Therapy

Foot reflexology is an ancient art or practice of touching specific points of your foot that stimulates other points in your body. Reflexology is a pressure point on the food which are linked to other organs of your body. It originated in China, a centuries-old form of medicine, and now famous across the world. It is different from a foot massage and doesn’t require gadgets or lengthy training.

Different points of the foot pass energy to other organs of your body. Pressing the toes helps in curing headache and ball of your foot stimulate your heart and chest. It is therapeutic with a multitude of health perks and induces healing treatments. It helps treat a broad range of acute and chronic health problems like asthma, hypertension, headaches, kidney problems, etc.


Reflexology works with the central nervous system through nerve endings of the peripheral nerve. You get improved blood circulation, nerve response in your body, and gives you enormous energy levels. It lasts from 30 minutes to one hour, and the skilled practitioner uses various techniques like holding, pressure point stimulation, rubbing, kneading, squeeze, etc. It is also beneficial for those who have tight schedules and do not have time for full body.

Our feet is divided into different zones, and specific points represent different organs in our body. Experts recommend keeping an evening tradition to come home and place your feet in warm water self-massage with Himalayan sea salt or lavender oil to stimulate points that promote relaxation. It can help to clear any channels of blocked energy. It is a natural, inexpensive, and effective method to de-stress.

When the day ends, you can turn foot reflexology to ease a headache by making small circles with your thumb on your big toes with pressure.  A golf or tennis ball can also be used to build pressure on your foot. This practice helps to open up energy pathways, calms your mind, and improve your digestion.

There are many pressure points to press with on your foot. The left foot stimulates the left side of the body and all its organs, and the right foot for the right side of your body. The second and third toes  connected to the eyes, while the remaining toes link to the teeth, sinuses, and head. The bottom part of the foot relates to the spine.

Consult your doctor before taking therapy if you have foot problems, injury, or any other issue. Pregnant women should not receive reflexology.

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