Green Building: A Step Ahead to Have A Healthy Environment

“Go green” nowadays is not a slogan. It has become necessary to save the environment from getting more damaged and destroyed than it already is. For protecting the environment, a new way to construct the building is being put to use. If you want to know and understand what it is, keep scrolling!

Green Building or Green construction is an environment-friendly and resource-efficient process applied throughout the life of the building. It can be applied to any building from home, school, office, to hospitals, from its construction till its demolition. 

These buildings are constructed not to impact the ecosystem, economy, and social life significantly. Some features of Green Building are:

  • Waste reduction

Green buildings reduce the waste through sustainable construction and generate less waste from the occupants through reusing, recycling, placing compost bins, etc. 

  • Material efficient

Green material includes recyclable metal, stone, bamboos, straws, etc., certified by a third-party forest standard. These materials are non-toxic and sustainable that will not harm the environment.

  • Water conservation

Water conservation is a crucial objective of green construction. For a sustainable building and to protect aquatic life, water wastage needs to be reduced through reuse, low-flow shower, flushes, etc.

  • Indoor environmental quality

Indoor environmental quality is one of the five environmental categories under LEED standards to improve the occupant’s quality of life, comfort, and productivity. The improved air quality will restrict the concern of viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms.

  • Energy efficiency

These buildings are constructed to use renewable energy and resources like solar energy, wind power, biomass, and hydropower to protect the limited resources. 

Aerial view of many solar panels on building roof. Premium Photo
  • Site & structure sustainability

The design and foundation of the building are the most important thing to evaluate the impact of construction on the environment. Green buildings are designed with eco-design philosophy, i.e., considering environmental sustainability principles.

Young people working with digital tablet at renewable energy farm - focus on faces Premium Photo
  • Control concrete heat

The greenery and vegetation around and in the sustainable buildings help control the heat radiating in the surrounding absorbed by the concrete surface.

green building for a sustainable environment

Modernization and advancing technology are significant contributors in making sustainable construction possible. It may cost more to get the project started, but afterward, benefits accruing from it will cover everything, and we can avail the advantages for the long term. 

The advantages accruing from Green Building are a lot. From pocket-friendly construction cost, more comfort, clean air, less functional & maintenance cost, and reduced impact on the ecosystem, it is a modern and effective way to preserve the environment. 

Our minor action can help promote Earth’s healthy life and make every Earth resident’s life better. Hence, try on to build a green building next time you construct or renovate a building. Till then, try to incorporate sustainable activities in your day-to-day life to go green. 

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