Tips to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer occurs when abnormal or malignant cells called tumor starts to grow inside the prostate, a small gland in man’s lower abdomen under the bladder. It is one of the leading types of cancer in men in India, the USA, etc. 

Men above 60 years of age are more prone to developing prostate cancer. However, there are various other risk factors as well, which includes:

  1. Ethnicity
  2. Obesity
  3. Family history
  4. Genetic mutation, etc. 

There are no ways through which some of the above factors like age, genes can be avoided to prevent prostate cancer, and there are no full-proof plans to prevent it. But few lifestyle changes have shown positive results in lowering the risk of getting prostate cancer and any other disease. 

Readout the following article to know about those changes & some other tips that can help avoid some of the risk factors & keep you healthy. 

  • Enhance your diet

Researchers have not stamped a healthy diet as a reliable way to prevent prostate cancer. However, a healthy diet is generally believed to keep us healthy & fit, which can help to fight & prevent diseases. 

Some of the healthier diet choices you should adopt are:

  1. Lower fat intake

Fat is necessary for the body, but you should look for healthier & unsaturated fats such as omega-3 fatty acids. Try to opt for low-fat varieties instead of lard or saturated butter, cheese, etc. 

  1. Add more fruits & veggies.

Fruits & vegetables have numerous nutrients & vitamins that might help to fight against cancer. For example, the antioxidants in green leafy vegetables, processed tomatoes, etc., can slow the growth of abnormal cells & the spread of cancer. Also, fruits make a better snack alternative than processed chips or other high-fat food.

  1. Add green tea & soy

A study has shown that isoflavones can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Hence, you should add peanuts, chickpeas, tofu, etc. 

Green tea is also effective in lower the intermediate risk of prostate cancer to some extent. 

  1. Avoid dairy

Dairy products have minimal chances of developing prostate cancer, but it is advisable to reduce milk & milk products consumption. 

  • Keep your body active

After a healthy diet, regular exercise will help maintain a healthy body weight, boost your immunity & muscles, reduce inflammation, keep your heart healthy, and reduce the risk of advanced prostate cancer.

Try different types of exercises every day so that it doesn’t get monotonous, and you can have fun &enjoy every bit of it. 

  • Quit onto your bad habits

Smoking is the reason for many health problems, and one of them is the increased chances of getting prostate cancer again. Try to quit smoking now to lower the mortality risk & improve health. 

Also, excessive drinking affects the immunity that helps to fight it. However, if you want, drink in moderation. 

  • Get more vitamin D

Studies have shown that vitamin D can help to protect against prostate cancer. Conversely, men with lower vitamin D are more prone to advanced prostate cancer than others. 

Hence, add vitamin D-rich food like cod liver oil, dry shitake mushrooms, etc., to your diet. Also, getting 10 minutes of morning sunlight will help to maintain a healthy vitamin D level. 

  • Talk to your doctor

Regular screenings and examinations will help you to know about your risk of getting prostate cancer. Also, it will help you to start timely treatment if you have any symptoms by chance. 

We know that cancer has no absolute prevention. However, healthy lifestyle choices & managing stress will help maintain a healthy weight that might help avoid multiple diseases as you grow and boost your overall health. 

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