Unexpected benefits of olive oil

Olive oil is mainly known for its taste and skin nourishment qualities. Apart from that, olive oil has numerous benefits to offer. Let’s look into some of the advantages that will help us to live healthily.

Olive oil is a liquid fat extracted from fresh olives by crushing, malaxing, and then separating it from the olives. One teaspoon of olive oil contains 40 calories. As olive oil is packed with antioxidants, fatty acids, vitamins, it provides numerous health benefits.

Note: We should use extra virgin olive oil to get most of the nutritional benefits from it as it is made up of only cold-pressed oil, whereas regular olive oil is a mix of cold-pressed and processed oils.

The following are some health and medicinal benefits of olive oil:-

  • Prevent the risk of heart diseases

As olive oil is infused with a massive amount of antioxidants, it controls bad cholesterol and provides better blood circulation. Thus, it helps to prevent excessive blood clotting that ultimately provides better heart health.

  • Helps to maintain a healthy diet

Unlike other oil, olive oil contains a good quantity of vitamins like vitamin E, vitamin K and rich in monounsaturated fat. Also, it is infused with fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, which help us increase the feeling of being full. Thus, moderate consumption of olive oil can help us to reduce weight in the longer run.

  • It helps to maintain a healthy liver

Olive oil contains fatty acids like omega-6, omega-3, and oleic acid. These compounds are proven to maintain a healthy liver as they provide anti-inflammatory properties and help keep insulin levels in control.

  • Reduces risk of depression

Studies say that people who consume trans-fat, which is unhealthy, are more likely to face depression. As olive oil contains monounsaturated fat, it reduces the risk of depression and helps our nervous system stay calm and less stressful.

  • Helps with Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a neural disease that destroys memory and also disturbs some essential neuro functions. Some research shows that olive oil can help with Alzheimer’s disease due to its properties, providing better brain function.

  • Rules out the risk of type-2 diabetes

As olive oil is infused with antioxidants, it can help control insulin levels and reduce inflammation and stress. Studies say people consuming olive oil-cooked food regularly are 40% less likely to get type-2 diabetes.

Yes, olive oil has all these benefits, and studies show that people consuming food cooked in olive oil are more likely to be healthier than others. But to all utilities from olive oil, one should include it in their diet and use it regularly and religiously.

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