Why is Intermittent Fasting in Trends these Days?

You had heard of the celebrities, bloggers and personal trainers are adopting intermediate fasting. Due to obesity problems worldwide, many weight-loss schemes are inventing. The top trending nowadays is intermediate or intermittent fasting. Many religious traditions and spiritual pursuits also offer intermediate fasting. Intermittent fasting is an eating plan. They switch between fasting and eating. Intermittent fasting works by prolonging the period last meal and when your body begins burning fat.

How does it work?

Weight loss scheme involving intermittent fasting requires excess body burns by severely limiting calories during certain days of the week. This theory helps decrease appetite by slowing the body’s overall metabolism. One of the patterns in trends is suggested by DR, FRANK HU of Harvard school of public health. He says, with this system you can generally eat for five days in a week and restrict your calories to just 500-600 on the two fasting days commonly known as 5:2 approaches.

Our tissues in the body are a significant reservoir that, if you are unable to access food even then it will support you. So fasting for just two to five days each month can reduce biomarkers.


The research showed that fasting on alternate days are better calorie cutters than healthy eaters or other diet plans. Exercise or a long period of fasting may be dangerous because hormones and under center (hypothalamus) are deprived of enough nutrition. But intermediate fasting has a beneficial effect on psychology

Intermediate fasting pattern has many health benefits, including:

  • It improves body metabolism cause significant weight loss
  • Protect against disorders and diseases
  • Makes liver healthy
  • Protect against cancers
  • Lowering high blood pressure
  • Reducing oxidative stress
  • Improve brain health and memory
  • Depressions and food anxiety
  • Decrease insulin which is linked to cancer           
  • Suppress inflammation
  • Decrease cholesterol level


Among all these benefits and trends pregnant or breastfeeding women, under 18 teens, those having previous eating disorders, diabetic patients should not adopt intermediate fasting.

If you are doing intermittent fasting, make sure not to eat junk food after two days of fasting in a week. Instead, adopt a varied diet like fruits and vegetables.


But before adopting this trend, you should be aware that you must take a very healthy diet like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and beans to avoid malnutrition and stay well hydrated.

So associate yourself in intermittent fasting for longer, healthier life, leaner body shape, and a sharer mind. You should also keep in mind that intermittent fasting has different effects on every individual, so consult a doctor if you feel nausea, headaches, or unusual anxieties.

Eat healthy stay healthy. 

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