4 Simple Home Projects That Invite More Harmony into Your Life

Our house has become our everything since coronavirus pandemic started. From our dining place, office to gym, to our café to everything under one shelter.

A home bursting with joy is something that brings you back every day. Our humbles abodes are extensions; it defines who we are and where we come from. They say home is where the heart is. The interior, colors, and vibe of our home sets our mood, affects our productivity and perspective of life. It is a place that sets your intent for the day.

It’s incredible how a few changes to our daily habits can become a catalyst for positive change. Here are a few ideas you can practice every day to feel happier at home.

1. Complete a small organizational task

 The organization is an opportunity when you organize your color-coded books in physical order will create some sense inside you. Decluttering your work desk and spring cleaning of the cabinet also helps you to relieve stress and gives you a sense your grounding.

Organize your pantry, closet, or kitchen space; your surroundings automatically become more organized. Make space for your projects and make your to-do lists for weeks, months, or years. This practice can be therapeutic.

2. Gratitude Journaling

Smiling pretty Vietnamese woman closing eyes and straining diary to her heart and

Before making your bed, jot down your brimming thoughts and one happy memory from that day. Gratitude is an integral part of happiness and pausing to reflect on the positive side of each cultivates appreciation. It will also help you to record the best memories of life.

3. Love what you are doing

Love is a potent source of motivation. Do something you love, stand by the process, find what you can learn from it, and enjoy every process.

The dishes in your kitchen are not going to clean by themselves, do it and you will like it. Feel the warm water running on your hands. Enjoy every tickle on your hands.

4. Practice of “No expectations”

If you expect nothing from somebody, you are never disappointed. Separate your wants from shoulds, skip the expectations.

Do small favors for your colleagues, spouse, or friends. It is a fact that when you do good, you feel good. Giving back to people who surround you will help to cultivate strong and healthy relationships with them. 

Focus on process goals, trust yourself instead of outcome goals.

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