8 Impressive Medicinal Benefits of Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is one of the best alternatives to caffeine, black, and green tea. People usually prefer drinking chamomile tea as it is slightly on the sweeter side and is effective for weight loss. 

Along with it, chamomile is used as a traditional remedy for a wide range of health issues. If you want to know those benefits, check out the following article. 

Chamomile is a daisy-like flowering plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is native to Europe and Western Asia. It is a Greek word that means “Earth Apple” in English, which explains its citrusy and apple fragrance. 

Out of two types of chamomile plants, German chamomile is the most common variety used worldwide for medicinal purposes. Here are some of the proven health benefits of chamomile: 

  • Helps to fight insomnia

Chamomile has an apigenin antioxidant that helps to reduce insomnia and promote good sleep. As per a test, postpartum women who drank chamomile tea before bed has fewer symptoms of depression and were able to sleep better than those who did not drink it. 

  • Reduces anxiety

Chamomile is also used as an essential oil in aromatherapies, which is said to be effective to reduce anxiety, depression and keeping the body calm & relaxed. Although this review is inconclusive, you can give it a shot. 

  • Effective for digestive health 

According to few studies, chamomile is effective to reduce the risk of certain gastrointestinal conditions by promoting good digestive health. It has anti-inflammatory properties that may help to protect against diarrhea, stomach ulcers, etc. 

  • May improve heart health

Flavone is an antioxidant that plays a significant role in promoting good heart health. It helps to lower blood pressure & cholesterol level, that are the main reasons for heart problems. Chamomile has an abundance of flavone that might keep help to keep cholesterol levels in control. However, more research is required. 

  • Reduce menstrual pain

Various surveys suggest that chamomile tea has anti-spasmodic properties that can reduce menstrual cramps & offset depressive symptoms like anxiety, tension, etc., associated with period pain. As per a study, people who drank chamomile tea every day one week before their menstruation cycle & for the five days during the period cycle have fewer cramps & pain symptoms. 

  • Lowers blood sugar level 

Keeping a check on their daily blood sugar level is crucial for diabetes patients. Chamomile tea can help prevent the blood sugar level from increasing & reduce the risk of complications arising due to diabetes. However, remember that it is a helpful supplement and not a viable substitute. 

  • Relieve muscle spasms 

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to relax sore muscles and provide relief from muscle spasms. It can also reduce inflammation, which helps to protect from problems like hemorrhoids, arthritis, etc. 

  • Improves skin quality

Chamomile has varied antioxidants that might help to protect the skin against free radical damage and reduce the sign of aging. There various chamomile-infused products like soaps, moisturizer, creams, etc., in the market that helps to keep skin healthy. 

Risks & Precautions 

  • Like other herbs, chamomile is safe in general. However, there have been reported cases of allergies in people allergic to plants of the daisy family. 
  • Also, it can cause conjunctivitis if, comes in direct contact with the eyes. 
  • Also, pregnant women, nursing women, people with kidney & liver problems, and young children are not advised to drink chamomile tea. 

The Bottom Line 

Although people use chamomile to treat a varied health problem, you cannot be 100% dependent on it or replace it with medical treatment. 

However, it is a promising beverage, and if you want to explore its health benefits, you can add it to your diet after being mindful of its side effects. 

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