A Guide to Eat During Your Periods

Menstruation is part of our hormonal system and response. So we can’t ignore our body and its homeostasis. To maintain our hormonal system, that fluctuates throughout the monthly cycles is vital. We need certain nutrients that support hormone detoxification and promote their average production. Our body demands a set of personal care to reduce frustrations and mood swings during periods. To better cope with the painful cramps and bloating, these are the best food to eat during periods.


Whole fruits provide all the nutrients to combat weakness. Usually, during menstruation, the iron level turns down due to heavy menstruation. It would help if you had an abundant supply of iron and protein for your body. Leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach can boost your iron and magnesium levels.


Juicy and pulpy Fruits should be consumed during menstruation. The most common uses and conveniently approached is banana. Bananas tackle irregular bowels and diarrhea during periods. Bananas boost up magnesium, potassium, and fiber. Most importantly, bananas act as an antidepressant that relaxes the muscles and gives comfort to the overall mood.

Other citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, and other vitamin c packed fruits also combat nausea and fatigue during periods

According to the National institute of health, females suffering menorrhagia lose more iron during menstruation.

Foods that are rich in iron are:

Beef and beef liver

Beans and lentils


Dark chocolate


Leafy green vegetables


You need a ginger tea for anti-inflammatory effects and to soothe your achy muscles. Ginger also reduces nausea and vomiting during pregnancy and periods.


Rich in iron and protein diet is also necessary during periods. Fish is a nutritious item to your menu. Omega 3 fatty acids present in fish, salmon, walnuts, soya bean, and canola oil decrease menstrual pain, depression, and mood swings.


Do you know? A 100-gram bar of 70 to 85 percent dark chocolate contains 67% of the daily recommended iron and magnesium. Taking a small amount of dark chocolate loaded with antioxidants during periods is beneficial magnesium-rich foods are tofu green vegetables and nuts.


Eggs are the fat-soluble, vitamin b, and iron-supported food that does wonders during menstruation, primarily when it deals with menstrual pain and bleeding flow.


Water is always essential and especially during periods. Water is the best medication for all diseases because almost 70 % of our bodies are made of water. Drinking plenty of water can stop you from retaining water and bloating.

Food is good medicine and better than all medications. So it’s better to avoid some foods rather than taking medicine. During menstruation, you must avoid these foods that promote toxicity and affect your hormone levels.

To learn more about the happenings in the body during menstruation, leave a comment below.

Eat healthy stay healthy.

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