Eco-friendly Lifestyle tips – Simple and Affordable

If you are still thinking about adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle for your family, now is best the time to give it a try. WHO has released some alarming new facts regarding air pollution that will make you want to GO GREEN as soon as possible!

According to WHO, around 7 million people lose their lives due to polluted air every year. Not only this, but 9 out of 10 people are breathing the same polluted air. Switching to an eco-friendly lifestyle is indeed a big commitment and not an easy job. It is a whole new lifestyle, and one can easily get overwhelmed and confused with all the new changes.

You don’t have to go cold turkey on everything. Start small and build towards the lifestyle that will give your future generation a cleaner and greener planet to live.

In this article, we will tell you 5 easy ways to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle to get all the help you need.

Say No to Plastic waste going

 Plastic-free is a crucial step in an eco-friendly lifestyle. Plastic is the biggest culprit in polluting our environment, so it is recommended to use less plastic and then cut it off slowly and gradually. According to research, BPA can have an adverse effect on human health. Apart from that, it is poisonous for marine life, and most of the plastic waste is found in oceans, thus destroying the ecosystem.

  1. Recycle and Reuse

To make a difference, you need to change your mindset first. It is time to recycle and reuse anything that you can. I am a big fan of hands me down, be it books, kids clothes, jewelry item, or crockery- if it is good to use, you should never throw it out.

2. Use less energy

Start by cutting back on the number of fans and lights you are using. Unplug anything that is not being used. Dry your clothes on the rack in direct sunlight. Invest in appliances that are energy efficient. Even the right kind of light bulb can reduce your energy consumption. You can also consider taking a walk to a nearby store or whenever possible instead of driving. It’s good for health, your pocket and environment at the same time.

3. Say yes to Composting

Composting is a life savior if you have a garden and growing your vegetables. By composting, you are using useless trash instead of buying expensive ones from the market. Nothing is better than your home-made organic compost for your garden. Invest in that compost Bin today!

4. Less water, better environment

Water shortage is a real dilemma for our generation. You should train yourself and your kids to cut back on water consumption. Don’t leave the tap running while brushing your tooth or washing dishes. Cut your shower short to save water. 

These small steps make all the difference in the world!

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