How Chaga Mushroom Benefits Your Health

In recent years Chaga mushroom has gained popularity in western countries, but it has been used in Siberia and other Asian countries for ages. Though Chaga may look ugly, it is packed with many nutritional qualities.

So let’s first get to some details about Chaga mushroom!

What is Chaga Mushroom?

Chaga mushroom is a kind of fungus that mainly grows on birch tree bark in cold climates. It is primarily found in Korea, Siberia, Russia, Northern Canada, Alaska, Northern Europe. Chaga is also known as a black mass, clinker polypore, and other different names.

Chaga has been used for its medicinal & health benefits in Russia and other Northern European countries for ages. Usually, people intake Chaga as a herbal tea form after grounding it in powder.

So, now look into some of the benefits of Chaga mushroom.

  • Improves Immune System

Our immune system is a protective shield that protects us from various diseases. It starts to defend our body from inflammation. However, long-term inflammation can lead to other vicious diseases also. 

As Chaga is packed with antioxidants, this helps to ward off any inflammation. Also, Chaga mushrooms help to strengthen the immune system by fighting harmful bacterias and viruses.

Researches show that Chaga could be helpful to cure a mild cold and cough. Also helps you to recover from cold faster.

  • Lowers the Bad Cholesterol

There are two different types of cholesterol- Low-density lipoprotein ( LDL) and High-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL is bad cholesterol, and HDL is good cholesterol.

Studies show that eventually taking supplements of Chaga mushroom helps reduce LDL and increase HDL level.

Because of the antioxidants, Chaga helps to maintain the cholesterol level in the body.

  • Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Studies show that heavy oxidative stress or immense inflammation can turn normal cells into inflammatory tumor cells. Uncontrollable growth of these tumor cells may eventually become the leading cause of cancer.

As Chaga is enriched with antioxidants, it helps to reduce inflammations and calm the nerves. 

Research shows that Chaga helps to reduce the size of tumor cells by 60% and resists the growth of cancer cells.

  • Reduces Blood Sugar

Several studies show that Chaga can help control blood sugar levels in animals. For example, a study on diabetic mice shows that taking Chaga supplements can reduce blood sugar levels by 31%.

Although Chaga is packed in with all these nutritional benefits, it may irritate or react with any medication you are taking. Chaga contains protein that helps to prevent blood clotting. If you take any medication for blood thinning, then change can react with it and irritate.

So to avoid these kinds of situations, consult with your doctor before including Chaga in your daily diet.

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