Laughter; A newly discovered superfood for your brain – #WorldLaughterDay

On the one hand, modernization has given us the key to a whole new world of technology; on the other hand, it has led to the worsening of our psychological well-being. 

This manifests as stress, depression, anxiety insomnia that affect our physical health, efficiency, immunity, and social relationships.

Various scientific studies claim that there is a strong correlation between laughter and our general well-being. Laughter affects more than one part of the brain. While emotional responses affect specific parts of our brain, laughter sends chemical signals through different parts of our brain.

Therefore it can be considered as an excellent non-medicine dependent alternative to curing various mental health issues. For this reason, the medical community has attempted to include laughter therapy as an adjunct or alternative to conventional methods.

 To quote Thomas Mann, “Laughter is a sunbeam of the soul.” 

How does laughter affect our minds?

  • In today’s life, stress is one of the principal contributors to psychiatric diseases. Laughter decreases the stress-producing hormones in your system, which reverses the adverse effects of stress. It has been clinically seen that laughter reduces levels of cortisol, epinephrine, and growth hormone, which play a pivotal role in causing stress in us.
  • Many of us often feel hopeless, tired and find it challenging to perform basic tasks. Depression is a severe health condition. It not only hampers our daily activities but also causes adverse health effects in the long term. Laughter increases serotonin levels and dopamine in the blood. They are called happy hormones as they significantly reduce the severity of depression.
  • Laughing or observing someone laugh releases various chemicals that activates a different region of our brain. Laughter helps us control muscles and brain activity and induces positive emotions.
  • Laughter increases intimacy and improves our bonds with our loved ones. It is rare that one laughs on their own hence it improves one’s social life and makes them seem approachable.
  • Happiness and amusement associated with laughter increase our creative thinking and life satisfaction and improve our quality of life.
  • In the corporate field, it helps us to create trust and improve the work environment. 
  • It is a highly efficient alternative that has been incorporated in psychotherapy that helps in dealing with trauma. It is primarily used for people who have PTSD.
  • Having a heart laugh keeps negative thoughts at bay.
  • Laughter relieves pain. It is the cheapest pain management option.

Did you know about gelotology?

The psychological study of laughter is known as gelotology

What is laughter yoga?

The central ideology of laughter yoga or Hasyasana is the voluntary production of laughter. It brings about identical mental and physical health benefits as spontaneous laughter. This happens because the mind cannot understand that we are faking the laughter. 

It mainly involves clapping of hands, producing lion-like laughter, and taking deep breaths.

In the modern era, the trend has shifted from pharmacological to non-pharmacological alternatives. Laughter has become an indispensable part of contemporary psychotherapy. It’s easy, efficient, and cost-effective.

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