Understanding Roots: Human Health, Wellbeing and Mother Nature

It is essential to understand the relationship between human health and Nature that is ultimately affecting physical and mental wellness. Indian philosophy is rooted in the belief that Nature has a significant role in human health & wellbeing. This philosophy is classified as the universe into five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space, having vital contributions to our body functions. The human body is made of these five elements in different proportions. Knowledge of five components of Nature helps us to understand Nature’s law, which demands a balance of all aspects in the required ratio. Impurities or unbalancing of any element will be the reason for diseases in the body.

Each of the five elements represents a form of substance in Nature. The reliable content is called the “Earth” factor. Water is everything liquid. Air is everything that is a gas. Fire is that part of Nature that converts one form of substance into another. Space is the mother of the other elements and is the basis of higher spiritual experiences. Each component is responsible for different structures in the body.
The earth element forms concrete structures such as teeth, nails, skin, hair, tissues, bones, and muscles. This element gives structure and strength to the body. Excess earth element within the body causes obesity, while fewer amounts can cause drastic weight loss. Unbalancing of the Earth element shows when there is a general weakness in the body, loss of calcium from bones, obesity, cholesterol, weight loss, and weight gain, muscular diseases.

The water element controls the fluids within the body that includes the blood, saliva, urine, sweat, digestive juices, fat and semen. Unbalancing of Water element is visible in mass due to excess mucus, cold, sinusitis, swelling of glands, blood thinning or blood clotting.

The air element controls the movement and flow of the body, including expansion, contraction, vibration and suppression. Air also controls thoughts, emotions, nerves, as well as our sense of touch. Unbalancing of Air element leads to skin dryness, blood pressure problems, lung disorders, dry cough, constipation, and lethargy.

The fire element regulates body temperature, controls digestion, and the overall metabolism of the body. This element causes hunger, thirst, sleep, vision in the eyes, skin complexion, digestion and food mixing. The Unbalancing of Fire element displays itself as fever, skin diseases like inflammation, increased coldness or heat in the body, excessive sweating, hyper-acidity, slow digestion.

Space is the most delicate of all elements in the body’s hollow cavities in radio frequencies, light radiation, cosmic rays etc. The space element’s function within the body is to provide a ground and space for the other aspects to perform their tasks actively. Unbalancing the space element is visible as Thyroid disorders, throat problems, speech disorders, and ear diseases.
Balancing the five elements of Nature is essential to achieve balance within ourselves. It involves setting-up reasonable goals and taking positive action towards harmonizing human health and mental wellness.

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